It's a steady stream of curious
people visiting my site.
I don't understand really what drives people back to this place.
The aesthetics, the music, the strangeness, I don't know.
The site has not had many updates, that saddens me.
I'm starting to realise after months of denial.
I've lost the spark that gave me.
I get bored easily, I've always have.
I want this site to be dynamic
I don't want this site to be endless repetition of the same methods and colour palette.
I'm always curious, and see other people viewing my theme pages as their reaction.I've started to realise
that only using real digital image as theme holds me back, creatively speaking. It becomes routine of
showing to the public how image can be express as feelings.
I can only guess is that I can communicate the users of the web which would evoke emotions for
emotionless users.All the pages on this site was made through my thoughts and emotions. It comforts me
that other people out there can relate to my thoughts, and my expression which they can truely understand.